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Who do we work with?

Individuals and Professionals

Here we share with you who we work with, the challenges we help them to resolve and what our clients need to do to ensure their success. A coaching relationship is an equal partnership between the client and the coach. Awareness of roles of each partner in this relationship allows clear communication and successful growth.

Who We Work With

These are but a sample of different clients with whom we coach, yet they all have experienced a disconnect or dissatisfaction with one or more aspects of their lives. Executives

  • Managers 

  • People in Career Transition 

  • Students

  • People Experiencing Divorce  

  • Retiree

  • People Facing Health Issues

  • Parents

  • Small Business Entrepreneurs

We partner with Individuals and professionals who desire a change in their current situation and wish to enhance their possibilities. 

What all of them have in common is they:

  • Either feel stuck with a challenge and want to move beyond it,

  •  Or they have a dream which their fears prevent them from approaching. 

They desire to improve the quality of their lives to have more purposeful and fulfilling lives. Lives which their choices arise from their own creative selves rather than being trapped in their circumstances.  Lives where they determine their impact on the people and environment around them in contrast to being the victim of the situation. They want to sculpt their own lives.

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Coaching with Shiva was a life-changing Event for me. Her ability to derive insights into my personal situation and very adeptly help me deduce ways to improve was phenomenal. I always came out of her coaching sessions feeling energized and positive.

Rocky,  Executive at a large software firm

Do Any of These Scenarios Strike a Chord With You?
Going Through the Motions, Yet something is Missing

You go through life yet you are just reacting and not creating your days. You work hard and are stressed. You just do what it seems needed rather than prioritize on what you want? Not asking yourself what is it all for? What is the reason behind my daily activities? Who am I really and what do I want in life?  Living through routine, or have I reached the ultimate height on my professional ladder or acquisition of material possession yet I still am not satisfied?

Trapped in “Limiting beliefs” Not Moving Forward

You want the promotion, yet believe, "in spite of your expertise you do not deserve to go for it". You want to lose weight and hear yourself saying “you are too lazy and cannot loss the weight you want”. You take actions based on your thoughts, these thoughts sometimes can create a mirage of reality, and after a while they become your beliefs. You then operate from this place, holding yourself back from your own full potential.



Facing the World All on Your Own 

Life is full of challenges yet you feel you need to take it on all by yourself. Our culture defines a powerful person as one who finds his or her own solutions. You believe you alone can get the job done as you can rely on yourself. This way of thinking exhausts you since you are carrying the world on your shoulders as you make mistakes and then sit in harsh judgement of yourself. As a result you are then always stressed, and feel alone as you try to pursue all solutions by yourself.  ​


Not Having Time for “Emotions” 

You go through your life, (i.e., relationships, career, health in general) and pretend you avoid your emotions. Believing emotions should not be seen or heard, you try to keep them in the background, believing they can be kept sealed behind a dam. You spend time and great effort keeping up a good front, but you well know this is not a sustainable situation. So you live in fear of this dam bursting. In living with this fear you highly monitor your actions and pretend you are in control, but missing out on feelings and connectivity. You are afraid of vulnerability as you think it is messy. 



Too Much Talking – Not Enough Listening

You are asked by your manger to close the deal or complete the project by the deadline, yet when was the last time your manager listened to the challenges you face in completing your project? You go home and ask the kids “how was school?” and they say "ok" and you simply move on to your next task. Do you remember the last time you really listened to your kids about their school day, and what was really happening in their lives? You are too busy to ask your wife about her day and to actually listen to what she is saying! You are living in this busy world and words are being expressed, but you are not being listened to and are not being appreciated appropriately. 



Living in Two Worlds – Projected and Real

You live in two worlds: one is the image you want to portrait and is usually lived while with others. The other is the life you have when you are with yourself, when you can be authentic and relaxed. Having to live in two worlds at the same time is draining.  Most of the time you are calculating which world you live in and how you need to behave. You are not happy to be yourself and let others to see who you are. So you try to project an image of yourself to make others happy. You want everyone to like you all the time .

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Shiva Dosenbach has been my life coach for the last six months. She has helped me deal with the everyday stress of my management career. Finding daily peace in a fast paced, demanding job is a life too I value. The balance I gained with Shiva in acquiring these tools is invaluable to my future. Shiva taught me to recognize my inner critic and to find my inner strength to guide me through the tough times. There will always be tough times, but learning to deal with them in a positive way everyday is a valuable tool.

Shiva is a positive,energetic and fully committed life coach. She is easy to talk to and genuinely involved in helping you achieve your goals

Kathy Williams, Manager of a large food chain

What Does It Take to be Successful in Working With Us?
Wandering Traveler

We would like to work with you, to offer coaching services to empower you. Our clients usually share many of these characteristics. If these fit you as well, you are likely a person we can help.

Be Committed to Own Excellence

Change requires commitment.  Willingness and effort can bring about progress and growth.  Without commitment, life can be simply a repetition of a series of tasks, and after awhile it could become a purposeless life lacking meaning.

Believe and Trust in One’s Own Nobility

Everyone has gifts within and with time, patience and exploration, these gifts can be discovered and brought to surface and used in everyday life, thus designing a desired life. Celebrate one’s own nobility as the highest creature on the ladder of nature, the only one who has the ability to think and choose.

Man Looking Out to the Mountains
Being Curious

Willing to explore own's life and situations in search of answers and more understanding. For curiosity’s sake, and detached from  what might be learned. Just to discover what is there, solely for the sake of greater awareness and understanding.

Taking Action From a Place of New Learning

The joy of learning something new about oneself invites one to try a different approach. This new approach leads to further learning and subsequent action, a supporting cycle of action and learning, through which one gradually notices the change in one’s self.

Be Accountable


While new lessons create a powerful magnet to take new actions, at the same time old fears can hinder one's progress. Accountability allows for consistency, so progress reinforces each success and helps one to arrive at one's goal.



Be Patient


To introduce any change means unraveling the old limiting beliefs, creating new mind sets, moving towards them with action and repeating until they become habitual. This is not a single event, but an organic process as we work with thoughts and emotions. Therefore, the passage of time is an essential ingredient for success.  

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Consider Next:

​Now that you know the type of clients we work with, the issues we help them resolve and what our clients need to do to ensure their success, learn more about what you can expect. Visit this page to know more about us.

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