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What can you expect?

To Begin A New Life

Kick Boxing

Working with committed individuals who are dedicated in exploring their possibilities and overcoming their inner critics, we have been able to see amazing results. The common tread among all is that these people have learned to live their lives from a place of strength and make decision and choices from their own desire instead of finding themselves trapped in a particular situation. All of these individuals now feel empowered within their own circumstances. We can assist you to create your own solutions and sculpt your own life.

A Purposeful Life

Living a life with a purpose, means no longer experiencing a series of random actions but having connection to a larger sense of meaning. This knowledge allows you to design your actions for a certain desired outcome – in contrast to accepting whatever is here. This power of clarity will draw you to a vista of possibilities and by selecting the best, most resonant choice and then taking action from it, you will then feel such a great sense of satisfaction.​


We worked with a new retiree looking for meaning in her life as she had lost her identity. ​With coaching she explored her own purpose in life and came to realize that her career had been a main aspect of her life, but did not encompass her entire individuality.

Granted, it had occupied a large portion of it.  She then came to recognize what she really loved was being with her family since most of her working years she was not able to focus on them. This recognition opened up a world of possibility for her. She established close bonds, and began to create new memories and build upon her personal legacy, living her life with joy.

You will learn how to explore your purpose in life. Learn what drives you and has meaning for you. From this perspective, you can set your course in life to help you reach your destination. Then you will be on a clear path.  You will learn that you do not need to be struggling, for the magnet of your purpose will draw you naturally and organically. You will see the steps that previously were unknown to you.

Living Life From Choice

Each of us have been created with certain and unique gifts, which leads us each to our own unique path of life – such as teachers, chefs, artists, managers, bankers or musicians. You need to explore within you to find your own gift and operate at your full potential. Rather than being trapped within thoughts that "you are not good enough to pursue your potential or the conviction to follow through."

We worked with an overwhelmed manager who worked in a fast-paced and competitive business environment, and was suffering from heavy stress. She had believed that this was simply the nature of the job, and that nothing could be done with it except to tolerate it.

After coaching with us, she was then able to identify the trigger points to her stress and analyze her options. This empowered her to see her strength in constant, daily, decision making – which was her gift . She could then choose to see the solution rather the problem and to apply skills to deal with these trigger points. She adjusted her behavior and managed the stress.

You will learn to understand your limiting beliefs and their impacts on you. You will acquire techniques to manage these impacts and change your behavior. Through practice and accountability these soon become your new habit and sustain you in the years ahead.

Power of Collaboration
Brainstorming Session

You do not need to shoulder all of the work alone to be successful. It is exhausting and cannot sustain you. This independence has created a lonely place for you, preventing you from connecting with others. Recognizing the option of collaboration offers opportunities previously unseen and examined, which leads to exploring other possibilities. Utilizing resources available to you can be a huge asset. 


We worked with a new entrepreneur, who was passionate about her new business and very excited to launch it. Yet the enormity of business development, a new task for her, was daunting. Through coaching she recognized, asking for help is not a weakness but a strength of character.

Even though she was well versed in her corporate career, in starting this new venture she was a novice. This recognition helped her to reach out to people she knew before but had not previously considered as resources, as well as helping her to access her own inner strength and enhance her positive emotions. The full use of all available resources, assisted her to focus on her business development.

You learn to see the impact of the resources accessible to you.  You will be trained how to use these resources – both external (programs and human resources) and internal (mind, emotions and body). This will allow you to see a meta view and with it the possibilities to different options. This of course will help you then choose the best solution that enhances you. To be a leader of your own life you search and utilize all resources available to you as an essential task for success.

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Thank you for helping me to change my perspective when I would get into a negative thinking pattern and to help me think about things on a deeper level.  It was also helpful for me to think through, as well as move in concrete ways towards, my goals through developing new habits. This was especially important when I get lost in the busyness of everyday life. Also, thank you for helping me to make sure that I was not too much in my head and that I was also trying to listen to my inner feelings.

Shirin, a college student

Experiencing Emotions
Couple in Winter Scenery

When you hide your feelings, you are not true to yourself and others. This introduces misunderstanding in relationships. As does your physical body becomes hungry, tired and thirsty and needs food, rest and water, your soul also needs its feelings to be experienced. As hunger is eliminated by eating, emotion will pass (is fed) by expressing it. Some emotions need a long time, some a few minutes. Experiencing the range of human emotions makes you a rich person.

We worked with a lady who had difficulty in communicating with her husband. She tried avoidance. She felt that by not addressing the communication gap and focusing on other things she would find peace. Through coaching she came to realize she needs to experience her emotions, which in this case were frustration and sadness. In so doing, she learned that she had been assuming what she thought were her husband's points of view and reacting to them. Since she has not been discussing the issues with him she really had no idea as to his view on them. This shift in her mind was so powerful that she then became determined to talk to him in a non-judgmental manner – just gathering his opinion on the matter. It was like a fog lifted from their midst and true dialogue was able to begin.

You will learn to feel comfortable with your emotions. Understand the importance of identifying, articulating and practice feeling them. This expression of emotion creates connectivity between you and others and strengthen the bonds of relationship. You realize the impact it makes in your life and experience the comfort of peace of mind. 

Father with his Son

You are listening to the content but not the person. You generally listen to receive information, formulate a response and then you are finished. But when truly listening, you focus and really listen to the person –any pauses, watch for body language, consider word choices, and use all your senses as you seek to understand the deeper meaning of what is being said. In this way, you establish a real connection with the person.  This is a tremendous asset in relationship building.

We worked with a very successful executive who sought to establish a meaningful relationship with his children. It seemed their conversations were only exchanges of pleasantries and nothing deeper. He was saddened and greatly disappointed with the situation. After working with us for awhile, he came to realize he actually has a powerful tool that he uses every day at his work – listening intently to his clients. He examined the power of his listening at work and its impact in his business. He then used this tool skillfully in his conversations with his children and found out he was finally truly connecting with them. Imagine! They were opening up to share part of their world with him. They now had meaningful times together.

You will learn how to listen deeply. In this fast-paced society very few people create the time to listen, and the art of listening seems to have been forgotten. You will learn the active components of deep listening, what the signs for it are, and how can you therefore improve your communication and thus your relationships. It is indeed a precious gift you can offer to anyone – to feel they are being heard. In so doing, they will in turn be energized as they actively listen to you. This creates the satisfaction of being heard.

Deep Listening
Being Real and Building Success from Mistakes
Reflecting in the Meadow

You cannot expect everyone to like you, this expectation wears you down. The pressure of always getting everything right is so strong in this culture because educational and workplace systems often define mistakes as failures. We have news for you, you are human and not perfect. Mistakes are the beginning of learning which lends to success. Only people who are actually doing things are the ones who can make mistakes! Practicing what one has learned leads to knowledge, and repeating any process offers the opportunity to gain wisdom, which in turn can bring about

We worked with a client who was sacrificing her time and energy for everyone yet people were expressing she was not genuine. She was therefore confused and unhappy. As a result of coaching she came to realize that in order to be liked she would always say “Yes” every time people asked her a favor. She over committed as a result and then did not have the time make good on her promises.  As a result of our sessions, she recognized something deeply hidden about herself: As she was verbally expressing her acceptance, her body language would convey the opposite. And people would feel the ingenuity of her response. She decided to be authentic to herself, speak honestly about what she could commit to, and she found people then respected her more. No more unpleasant remarks were said to her.

You will learn about the power of being yourself. You start by knowing who you are and begin to see your own nobility and love who you are. Then expressing your authentic self will come naturally. You will attract the people who truly love you and you will not need to be liked by everyone. Living everyday liking yourself and improving towards a better self.

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Consider Next:

​Now that you know what kind of results you can expect to achieve, click to learn more about how we work with our clients. Visit this page to know more about us.

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